Ruger mini 14 197 series shooting videos

Theres a lot to say about any gun with that much history, so we decided to track down a few things you might not know about. This number should be used as a point of reference only. Decades old and still vastly popular, ruger s mini 14 has few limits. Can anybody tell me anything about this gun, like its history, or value. Our popular bravo sights for standard 18 barrel 1022s are available now and will enhance your 1022 with faster target acquisition and a far. Its been a lot of fun to shoot, and ive shot about 250 rounds in the week that ive had it. Dont forget to rate and subscribe if you like the video. Select sku listing to see all stock numbers for this schematic.

Mini14 rifle manufactured from 1978 to 2004 caliber. Click on a red number to view more information on that item and to add that factory part to your shopping cart. Theres something about this action in a smaller caliber that is so satisfying to plink around with. I discovered that they underwent a big makeover in 2005. I took some pictures next to a friends 580 series mini 14 for reference the 580 series. The above chart shows the approximate first serial number shipped for the indicated year. Ive owned the gun for a decade now, and it has undergone many transformations. Find ruger mini 14 rifle parts 181186, 196 197 series, accessories and more with numrich gun parts corp providing parts since 1950. Custom tactical mini14 ranch rifle 197 series savethegun. I was not shooting from a rifle rest but i shot from the same position for the before and after. It really surprised me with how accurate it was, when i was expecting much worse.

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